Since 2002 the Delaware Bankers Association has awarded two annual scholarships to Delaware high school students participating in the Keys to Financial Success elective course. Winners are selected on the strength of essays on the importance of financial literacy education.
In 2019 the DBA was proud to rename the Keys to Financial Success Scholarship in honor of David G. Bakerian, the late, former president of the association. For more than 30 years David Bakerian helped to lead and grow the banking industry in Delaware.
The Delaware Financial Education Alliance, in cooperation with the University of Delaware’s Center for Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (CEEE), the Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Maryland and Delaware, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, piloted the Keys to Financial Success course in one Delaware high school in 2001-02. Since then, the course has been extended each year to additional schools statewide. The goal of this semester-long elective course is to better equip young people with the knowledge necessary to have strong financial futures. The Keys course includes five units: Future Financial Goals and the Decision Making Process; Career Planning-Investments in Human Capital; Money Management; Consumer Skills; and, Risk Protection.